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Eggsperiment: Does Farm Type Affect Egg Flavor?

In the article “Do ‘Better’ Eggs Really Taste Better?”, the author conducted a taste test to determine whether the flavor of eggs could be affected by various factors such as the type of farming (e.g. organic, cage-free), whether the hens were given access to pasture, and the presence of omega-3 fatty acids.

The author prepared several types of eggs for the taste test

The author prepared six different types of eggs for the taste test, including some from backyard hens and others from commercial sources, and served them scrambled with butter and salt.

The eggs were then tasted blind by a panel of tasters, who were asked to rate their flavor and texture.

The eggs were then tasted blind by a panel of tasters

The results of the taste test showed that there were no significant differences in the flavor or texture of the eggs based on the various factors tested.

Farming practices and diet do not appear to have a significant impact on taste

The author concludes that while freshness and storage conditions may affect the flavor of eggs, other factors such as farming practices and diet do not appear to have a significant impact on taste.

Do “Better” Eggs Really Taste Better? | The Food Lab. (2019, May 16). Serious Eats.

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