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Agricultural Innovation in Dương Minh Châu: Pioneering Biosecurity in Livestock Production

13/12/2023 – Dương Minh Châu, a district in the lush province of Tây Ninh, is a leader in agricultural innovation. The district has set a strategic goal to achieve international biosecurity standards by 2025 and is implementing a range of solutions to transform its agricultural economy.

Biosecure Livestock Production

Biosecure livestock production is the core of Dương Minh Châu’s agricultural transformation. The district has undergone a rapid transition from small-scale to large-scale farming, ensuring a consistent supply of biosecure food to the market. This transition not only meets the stringent disease prevention criteria but also lays the groundwork for creating disease-free zones.

Modern Farming Infrastructure

Nhờ đầu tư bài bản, sản phẩm làm ra đáp ứng an toàn dịch bệnh và vệ sinh thực phẩm. Ảnh: Trần Trung.

The district boasts modern farming facilities that are designed to optimize the growth conditions for livestock, control diseases, and minimize environmental impact. These facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including insulated roofs, automated feeding and watering systems, and rigorous sanitation protocols.

Economic Impact

Huyện Dương Minh Châu thực hiện đồng bộ các giải pháp xây dựng vùng an toàn dịch bệnh. Ảnh: Trần Trung.

The economic benefits of this transition are tangible. Farmers like Nguyễn Thành Sang, who switched from small-scale poultry farming to operating a biosecure chicken farm, have seen significant improvements in their livelihoods. Their products meet the high standards demanded by leading corporations, ensuring a secure market for their produce.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, Dương Minh Châu aims to consolidate its status as a model for biosecure agricultural practices. By 2025, the district plans to fully comply with the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) regulations, further enhancing the sustainability and safety of its agricultural sector.

For researchers and practitioners in the field of agriculture, Dương Minh Châu’s approach offers valuable insights into the integration of biosecurity and modern farming techniques. The district’s commitment to innovation serves as an inspiring example for others to emulate, promising a future where agriculture thrives in harmony with nature and market demands.

(Trần Trung – Trần Phi)

Translated by Quyen. Source


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